May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: With the Closed Beta now done, will you be closing things as "fixed in 1.0" before the release?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: With the Closed Beta now done, will you be closing things as "fixed in 1.0" before the release?

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with the Clos P now done will you be going through the bugs on the QA site and closing them as fixed in 1.0 before the release of 1. before the releas of 1.0, you mean for the the books that we have fixed I think, yeah I don't know, I think we'll do that once 1.0 is out if anything I don't think we'll do it before because, there's a constant shift of like we fix one thing but then when we fix another thing it breaks the thing that we just fixed M so like I don't know it's it's hard to maintain that it's also a lot of work to do that, but I'll think we'll do one we'll do one pass or something like that close to 1.0 and see if we can mark it sounds good yeah