September 3rd, 2024 Livestream
Snutt & Mikael Talk: Preparing for 1.0
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- Satisfactory Updates > Pending > Satisfactory 1.0
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it's been kind of melancholic melancholic just trying to like pick these out the week before 1.0 just like not that it's like anything less or more special you know it's always awesome seeing what you all do but there's been a lot of like send offs like a lot of people just posting stuff like sending my factory off or trying one lasting or finishing this little thing before 1.0 so there's like if you just go to like a big shout out to just browsing Reddit, Twitter or like anything Discord even in general like people are finishing up some crazy right now before moving on so please check like everything out there are some insanely awesome factories going around yeah so huge shout out to like all of you who keep pushing you know your I guess not not final final but like yeah pre 1.0 content out now you know I'm I'm really curious I wish we could have pulled this in some way but I was, I was really curious like when we before we did our like teaser season or whatever you want to call it like dropping videos on .0 like I had a I think I think it was something like 60% of based on on signups for the closed beta I think it was something like 60% of people or like 65 or the ma the majority of people were going to start a new save file for 1.0, when they put in the form and I'm I'm really curious like what that what if we would have put the same form out now like what that number would been cuz even I am like I in my Safe Fall I've had my Safe Fall since update 7even I think 4 six cuz- I've need to started a couple of times and when when we were- I when I knew everything coming in 1.0 I was still like Noe I'm not restarting I'm going to keep working on my Safe Fall because I don't want to redo you know I was at tier six or something when I ended that Safe Fall yeah even I am now like at like man do I need do I restart or like I don't have a big Factory but even in my situation I'm like I need to rebuild my thing my man it's a lot of work so, I yeah I'm really I was I would be really curious to hear like how many people have changed their minds throughout like this whole period and are actually going to start I second that like after the launch I kind of want to like second that and somehow just chase down statistics maybe asking on stream maybe asking on Discord like how many actually did proceed to restart even like go as far as to purge everything they did before 1.0 and so forth and so forth we we so Chad we can't run a poll on Twitch because we're we're plebs on Twitch we don't even have affiliate, but even if so here's the thing even if we do run a poll, it's hard to know whether that will actually reflect on like actual Community sentiment, sometimes you guys will probably see when people are like on Reddit or whatever in different gaming communities when they're like how many people would actually do this this this and then you get like a poll and they're like clearly the community wants one thing but the truth of the matter is that like redded encapsulate one type of player and another, twitch you guys on Twitch you are a different type of player so like it wouldn't necessarily reflect on like the actual player base yeah it's really difficult to like actually get that data, oh actually quick little Community Management school for me can you attach polls to YouTube videos, no not videos but you can do it on live streams Yeah okay or can you wait I'm pretty sure you can on YouTube yeah cuz that that could be something cool like just maybe not saying we are but like maybe if we like make some video exploring that like going again and just attaching a pole or like even a question yeah actually some just want to mention something real quick I know this community highlights has Al already been dragged out but somebody asked like okay but if I do restart do I want to restart from the tutorial so so, a little bit of clarification from The Narrative video that I made I mentioned that every single like voice line in the game have been for ad specifically have been recreated every single line has been Rewritten and and remade this includes the tutorial and the tutorial by itself doesn't have any story elements okay it doesn't actually have anything like you like you can skip the tutorial if if you if you want to but there are some some lines in there, some pretty funny zingers, that- I feel like you'd miss out on if you didn't do the full tutorial but it's not a long tutorial it's not a long well it's I think it's for people who play thousands and thousands of hours the tutorial is like a little bit of a drag, but but it does have some zingers so like if you don't care about the zingers and you don't care about the rewrite like don't worry about skipping the tutorial it's it's totally fine I would personally skip the tutorial, myself and M would not so so like it's up to you right