February 11th, 2025 Livestream
Q&A: Is it possible to add Tier 2 Trains to carry larger loads or travel faster?
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<ref name="yt-fuaP4HfgRuI">[https://youtu.be/fuaP4HfgRuI YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Is it possible to add Tier 2 Trains to carry larger loads or travel faster?]</ref>
is it possible to add tier 2 trains to carry larger loads or travel faster yeah I mean it's just- I mean it's possible but whether that actually works with the balancing that's currently in place CU that might actually have a domino effect across the whole game right everything's kind of balanced to carry carry the appropriate amount for that like point of the game ENT so that might be a bit of a can of worms to add but hey I mean again Never Say Never depends on like if if there's enough demand for something like that then maybe it's something we can do so again I would say add it to the QI site God forbid the Andrew Factory that will transport or produce 100 million gifts per minute yeah we got we got chuner trains and they use like wait for it two two rails next to each other oh my God yeah radical idea oh