December 13th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Blueprint preview before placing or an undo function?

December 13th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Blueprint preview before placing or an undo function?

00:00 Intro
00:06 User Experience issues have been noticed
00:34 There's been some ideas...
02:24 Q&A: Is an undo feature blasphemy at this point?
03:35 Jace is being frank
04:06 Q&A: Area-shape dismantle?

This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: April 21st, 2023 Video Q&A: What is Blueprint Dismantle Mode?

This question has a related video, and a related topic
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blueprint preview before placements or an undo capability yeah so actually this is interesting this is something that I do have a bit of information on, so one thing that we've noticed with blueprints is some, user experience issues when it comes to like accidentally building a blueprint you know because obviously people have spoken out about like snapping issues so that's something that we were aware of, also you know misplacing blueprints or, you know the wrong rotation and then like now you need to like delete it all and sure there's Mass dismantle but like highlighting everything and then deleting it is you know a little a little frustrating, so like there's been some ideas of like it would be cool if there's some kind of like undo feature, or or a preview so you know before you you know you click once and it stays there and you can walk around and look at things and then you can click again to places to make sure it's where you want it to be, so yeah there's been some suggestions about that because we've taken the the feedback and I think, the intention is that we are going to do something I don't know when we can do something, it might be too risky to try and shoehorn something in before the holidays, because, we certainly don't want to break anything before we go on break before we go away from holidays okay I don't think anyone wants that, but- I we're aware that like there's some user experience issues with it, and we have some ideas of what can be done to alleviate that, it could be it could be that like I really think that the idea of like you have to click twice to place your blueprint you can click click once to lock it and then you can move around and it stays in you can look around to make sure it's fine maybe I don't know if you can rotate it I don't know if that's actually easier or not but it seems like the team feel pretty confident to be able to implement that and that might go a pretty long way actually to alleviating this issue, I personally this is just me personally speaking, I really like the idea of an undo feature I think it makes a lot of sense but that's obviously probably going to be much more complicated and I don't know, how long that will take to make I don't know if that's feasible or not for the team I don't know if that's feasible with the planning I have no idea so I know that that's like a hot suggestion but like it really depends on what the team can do, we'll have to see but the concerns have been heard the suggestions that people have had have been heard as well is an undue feature blasphemy at this point it does feel kind of strange it's weird it's kind of weird because it's not really something that really really ever needed was ever needed and it would be such a really really complicated a complex feature only for blueprints you know like I guess it can be used for other things but it doesn't really synergize that well with everything else because you know when you're building just a couple things at a time Mass dismantle is no problem, so that's the other that's the other thing with undo it's like it's a lot of work and risky work that you know I don't know it might cause other issues I don't know it's just it's just something that we need to like really carefully consider but I'm sure Andre has been requested but just because something was requested years ago doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't doesn't necessarily add to its validity like it might be valid I'm not saying it is or isn't but it the the length of time that it was requested doesn't change things however I do think that the inclusion of blueprints does change it a little bit or I would say significantly personally but yeah but guys I'm being frank here and being like transparent and honest and giving my opinions here but you'll need to remember that I'm not the shot caller and I'm not everyone at the studio okay, the best thing you guys can do is just let the team know what what what issues you're having and any suggestions you have on the QA site and then, and then the team will decide okay area shape dismantle I'm not sure I'm not sure about that that doesn't sound, necessarily any easier than an undo, and I wonder how easy that will be like user experience wise because we don't want to get locked in this thing where we spend so much time adding all these random features just to fix yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know guys people who are smarter than me at game design will have to work on this okay I'm just I'm just I'm just stream person I'm YouTube guy all right please don't don't anyone do anything weird where they're like Jay said this thing therefore they're gonna no I'm one person and either I have to sit here and you know like watch everything I say or I can just like hang out and be a person with you guys I think that would be better