July 2nd, 2024 Livestream Snutt Talk: Weebl raids again

July 2nd, 2024 Livestream

Snutt Talk: Weebl raids again


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-fb3qHkEhdI4">[https://youtu.be/fb3qHkEhdI4 YouTube - July 2nd, 2024 Livestream - Snutt Talk: Weebl raids again]</ref>



Mr Weeble thanks for the raid I appreciate that so much if get shout how do you do this thing on Twitch where's the shout out thing I'm looking in the wrong window that's why I can't see it, Mr Weeble made a really nice music video for us a while back I'm also looking for that video shout out this is so confusing when I have like two windows open at the same time hope you're doing well dude there we go boom look at me and the video anyone else miss me I think we have it in one of our playlists as well boom check it out people made a little love song for for satisfactory so wholesome