January 14th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Will the end-game be tweaked after 1.0?

January 14th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Will the end-game be tweaked after 1.0?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-emOBrA7FAEo">[https://youtu.be/emOBrA7FAEo YouTube - January 14th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Will the end-game be tweaked after 1.0?]</ref>



the the full end game could be more rewarding, like buyable Summers sloops by coupons to enhance factories even more after all the game as a big sandbox, there's no question mark here so I don't where's the question, it sounds like feedback that should probably go to the QA side so please leave that feedback on the QA side, but I do agree that the there there isn't really like a post end game for satisfactor at the moment that's also something that might happen as a as like an update to satisfactor in the future, because yeah we also agree that like there's like apart from just making more factories there's little to do inside of factories there's no incentive to keep playing and to be honest most people don't really need that incentive we find, like people find ways to like fill up their time once they're finished at the factory yeah, but I agree it could be cool to have like a thing where maybe the space elevator like requests more parts or something like that, we probably wouldn't want to add more Summers sloops because there's a balancing reason why there is a certain amount of Summers sloops on the map, because you you could get infinite power essentially by having like sum there's also a couple of angles with that with, just a personal take first for me which is that this game honestly is like really really really long like already so by the time when you're done with it I think I mean just me feeling it I feel like you'd either just kind of be like you know nicely done with it or you have played for so long and would still want more in like the way that yeah again you just kind of start making your own content making your own cool builds or intricate builds and then right now also just like don't this is not at all like you know Dev talk or like actual like future plans in any way but there is an aspect in my head of, okay right now so we are at Phase five, tier n we finish this we finish the, we finished pa, and we just might we could M some sort of like you know end game end game system where the elevator would request more parts or some recurring you know end game Loop is happening but then how would that tie in to again absolutely not saying this is a plan for now but eventually if we were making like phase six tier 10 11 10 12 like where would this end game Loop that would put in suddenly fit in everything would it be a side thing would it be removed would it be like kind of jigsawed how would that look so there is I tldr there's a danger of making a seamless endgame system with, like in terms of actually calling this like the proper end because I'm not really sure we actually know what the proper end of the game will be quite yet I mean the proper end is the game the game ending it's just like if you want something post the ending yeah but then yeah that again that ending what what the ending is right now if you want something to post this then like we could Implement that but then if we have something as like again the easiest example is a phas six, would this track then be after this new post game element or will it just be slapped onto yeah I don't think it makes sense to add another face it makes more sense to just make it so that the game becomes yeah again just examples yeah but just Food For Thoughts yeah we'll see what happens mhm MH or alternate endings