March 8th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Will there be any Mk.6 Belts?

March 8th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Will there be any Mk.6 Belts?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: December 20th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Will Overclocking Mk.3 Miners be addressed?

This question has 3 related videos, and a related topic
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with the beanie mark six belt so we don't know yet, here this is a question that comes up often and I'll re-tell tell the story once again so when it comes to fast moving belts with the game there's an issue with like precision in terms of like how, items are like moved between, conveyor belts and factory buildings or something like that and the faster a belt is moving the more precision it requires and if your computer is running less than optimally like less than 60fps then you can run into issues where, those windows like when it's updating in the factory tick then it might like sort of run out of precision and that means that you'll sort of not be able to like make 100 efficient factory buildings that can already kind of happen with the factory belts that we have right now so we're kind of hesitant on adding a faster belt because that will just make the issue, like more obvious it's so somewhat of the issue we were having with pipes you know if you need that like 100 efficiency on 600, cubic meters of pipes then the game kind of fluctuates sometimes depending on how your game runs so sometimes you can get a little bit more sometimes you get a little less than 100 efficiency which is also strange and that is kind of the same kind of problem the same rooted issue and it's it's it's like a it's a tricky issue to solve because we don't know a good there's no like really good solution to it you know just make the code go just make the code good right but that's easy to say, with all the systems that it touches so, we don't have a solution essentially this is the thing I'm trying to get here get out of here, and we sort of haven't been able to look into it because because since it is a bigger task then we sort of need to do it when it makes sense, so so that's why so when it comes to like mark six belts and the same thing with like overclocking on miners where like you can't get the full like speed out of mark three miners same thing there we don't know what a solution what our solution will be if we ever will add mark six belts I'm actually kind of doubting that we will do that because of the the, issues that we have we might do the like more ghosts more so go like the route of maybe adding another output on the mark three minor or maybe we'll completely rebalance the game, I don't know like this this is, this is like a pretty involved issue to look into, and it will take some time and we haven't been able to do that because we've had so many other issues that we've been meaning to look into we've had we actually just started looking into an issue with foliage with our foliage system that we've been meaning to look into for two years, so so yeah it would be tricky and like this is an issue that we've known about for a long time too so like so yes easy solution would be two x's and mark three minors isis solution might not be that like that's the that's the kind of thing like we don't actually know what the easiest solution is we can only guess at this point so we actually need to look into it properly before we can make any kind of statements as to what we'll do so yes