April 12th, 2022 Livestream
Q&A: Steam Trains?
This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: January 14th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Is there any plan to get a different type of Train such as a Coal train or Fuel train? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7v3dfzLtq8
This question has 2 related videos, and 4 related topics
- March 5th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: With Lizard Doggo milk being highly combustible, is there a chance of getting cheese Nobelisks? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIB7RDvr6Gk
- November 22nd, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Milk slider for the lactose intolerant? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cBiDakky1g
- Pipes
- Coal
- Lizard Doggo
- Final Fantasy
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<ref name="yt-eORaYqIP14M">[https://youtu.be/eORaYqIP14M YouTube - April 12th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Steam Trains?]</ref>
steam trains hmm how would that work I mean apart from you hook them up to the pipes yeah you'd have to like have a pipe running along the train yep I guess you would transfer I don't know I'm trying to think of something funny here but I can't remember just collect you'd have to manually collect all the wood and then put it in a cart and that's that's how you drive the train yep yep, and then either we will have to have like big long adjustable pipes that can you know stick to the train or you can, create pipes overhead and have the fluid fall into the pipe into the train as it drives by refills that way steam trains with coal dummy no look you guys that's not us that's not a good enough solution that's old technology no one knows trees we've got these trees we gotta have to make it more interesting that is actually like I think, not a lot of people probably will notice it but like the the key thing with power for us is really like the trade-offs and stuff like that so we can't just have and that's the actual solution for many things there has to be you know there can't be just one good way to do it so like if we add steam trains there's gotta be there's gonna be some balancing happening here thus pipe network thingy turn turns out that, lizard dogger milk is highly combustible, I didn't know that yeah so then we'll have to like include little milkers I'm glad this is where the stream devolved too you guys don't want us to talk about final fantasy but you gladly hear all about milking lizard doggos okay here you go what do you guys think of steve trains
watch that explode on the keyway site I would like no there's a dog milk steam trades yes, oh god mechanical milker for tier 10 confirmed it's made with a quantum oscillator to like oscillate the suction cups anyway nice nice juicy quantumly, very good, all right, last month it was a lot of fun it's 1am it is one of them for you that's true