November 21st, 2023 Livestream Q&A: How much has the game been delayed through moving the goalposts?

November 21st, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: How much has the game been delayed through moving the goalposts?

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how much has the game been delayed kind of similar topic how much has the game been delayed through moving the goal posts o the initial honestly since day one we moved the goalpost because initially satisfactory was supposed to come out in 2019, like the initial idea was that we're going to work on the game and we're going to release it for 2020 or 2019 or something like that and then someone had the brilliant idea like but what if we make an early access game we can keep working on it because we had the S like before we released An Early Access and this was actually kind of like a late decision and it was a really hard decision, to go the Early Access route because we we felt that when we when we decided to go early access we felt that like we have a pretty solid game and we can keep working on it and and polishing it up and finishing it up, but we can also do more we have so many more ideas to the game and we really we really want to keep working on this game that was sort of the state of of things back then, we had so many we were so ambitious, with what we could do with the game and that's sort of where we sprung the idea of but what if we go early access and we sort of keep working on the game and keep polishing the aspects of the game and make the core game play better and add you know the features that we want to add and, we decided that let's let's do the ear AIS route Let's Do It Let's, commit to ear AIS and and we'll see how things go essentially and, turned out kind of worked out in our case, honestly because, there it's been a an amazing journey and we've also been able to implement so many things, for satisfactory that we initially didn't think we were going to do for instance pipes pipes was something that we were like this could be added to the game but we probably won't because we need to finish the game and and blah blah blah, so, the fact that we got to the point where like we can add pipes and it's like a fun thing it's like a meme and it also adds something to the game like I think it was really cool, and it's not something that every game developer can do, and that of course entails that we do decide to delay and move go posts and add things, etc etc so- I feel like that's happened every single update honestly like if I if I going to be honest like we always have like ideas like this is what we're going to do for for satisfactory and then when we get to the update like we didn't have time to do this thing though and then we keep working on it and I think that's at some point we need sort of just need to like put our foot down and be like no now now is the time to finish the game you know like the game is done when you stop working on it and that's certainly true in our it's going to be true in our case because they we can keep working this game for forever essentially it feels like, so a lot of a lot of goalpost moving, and I think we just need to like Hammer the goalpost down if we're ever going to release the game