March 24th, 2023 Video Q&A: Do you have Lumen, Nanite, and Virtual Shadow Maps in Update 8?

March 24th, 2023 Video

Q&A: Do you have Lumen, Nanite, and Virtual Shadow Maps in Update 8?

This question has 6 related videos
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right which of these are we using and which are we not do we get any of these that's great that we know what these are but do we do we get them first of all VSM virtual Shadow Maps no we're not using them, so epic had deemed VSM to be Beta And so, that you know the fact that the the technology is in beta in combination of not having time to really look into things means that it actually that means VSM actually felt quite low on the priority list and so we will not be having DSM in satisfactory for update 8. it's not impossible that we won't have it in the future you know we we might but, we're not we're not committing to anything okay, that's just yeah no VSM for update that's all that matters as for Nano will we have nanite yes we will we're going to be trying to have nanite on rocks and cliffs for update eight, pending any issues that we may run into, between now the time of recording and and the upcoming weeks and we will try to have no night on Factory elements as well, but that may or may not come with update eight like if it comes it might come later, but it also may not come at all all right it all depends on on how things work out but that's that's the intention we have when it comes to nanite in satisfactory, as for Lumen, so this is a bit different okay so we will have lumen in satisfactory for update eight okay but we are not going to support it officially, we're gonna offer the option to people to opt into Lumen if they want to try it and if they have the hardware to support it but what what we mean by not officially supporting it is that like development wise we're not going to have time to flesh out the entire world to be properly lit with Lumen to the way that we want it to be and also prepare the world to be lit without the Lumen okay so we can't that that's that's kind of the bottleneck there we don't really have time to properly light both and make them both in in accordance to like our visual style that we want and our art Direction and how we want things to look okay so so we're not gonna craft the world with lumen in mind but we will give you the option to turn Lumen on or off and you can use it if you want to use it okay so that's what we're going to be be doing the video setting will be called GI or Global Illumination in the video settings in the game next thing that I want to talk about with this