March 24th, 2023 Video
Enhanced Input System
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<ref name="yt-dY__x2dq7Sk,1193.8593333333333,1251.0498">[ YouTube - March 24th, 2023 Video - Enhanced Input System]</ref>
- Satisfactory Updates > Released > Satisfactory Update 8
- Technology > Unreal Engine > Unreal Engine 5
- Technology > User Interface
trains at all one other new feature that's coming with Unreal Engine 5 is the enhanced input system the enhanced input system is just another kind of input system I don't actually know too much about the details of it but from what I understand it's easier for us to work with so development wise when we're creating new features there's like this contact system now with input so that like we can Define certain inputs depending on the context so for example one key might do something while you're working walking around but the same key might do something if you're in a vehicle or if you have a jet pack equipped or something like that and what this means for you guys is that we actually have some input bugs in the game and this should iron out those input bugs one example is I think if you hold space while holding while in a hover pack or something or jetpack and then you open up a menu and you let go of space that space persists and you keep flying you know things like that will, will will hopefully be ironed out and it may also result in potentially more granular key binding options, for you guys for for the player as well so some benefits there with the input system one other, I