March 24th, 2023 Video Vehicles on Foundations

March 24th, 2023 Video

Vehicles on Foundations

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issue that has been highly highly reported on the QA side is that the vehicles bounce and stuff on foundations well I'm happy to report that with this change that the vehicles now Drive buttery smooth according to our programmers on foundations but there are some sloped foundations that still have some weird janky issues but those are not issues with the vehicles it may be issues with the collisions of those, foundations this may or may not be addressed for update 8 but generally speaking they should perform better on foundations now we have also noticed a bit of a difference when it comes to random physics bugs like where things send you off flying into space but we still think that like game TM physics where weird happens is probably still in the game but we do think that there has been a big Improvement but you guys let us know let us know okay as I mentioned before vehicles have actually