February 11th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Improved Train features, maybe?

February 11th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: Improved Train features, maybe?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-dKt1KMu0OJk">[https://youtu.be/dKt1KMu0OJk YouTube - February 11th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: Improved Train features, maybe?]</ref>



trains are great can we get programming about their routes and add a feature to indicate where trains can't can or can't go, programming about the routes sure, I haven't still I still haven't played around too much with trains, is this something signals can't do already or am I misunderstanding exactly how you would like to Route reroute trains here I think I think it's about like just being able to close certain routes like very, reliably, CU- I think like now you can tell trains individual go from Station to Station but maybe not which track to to to take if there are multiple tracks yeah so maybe maybe that's what they're talking about oh yeah of course they take the St yeah that's true yeah that's good feedback, add it on the Q site and I can actually also so, I'm curious about this one I can absolutely bring that to the programmers tomorrow for standup, yeah trains trains take the shortest route yeah no yeah exactly yeah so you can basically if you if you want like, several trains on the same route and have multiple tracks you don't want them all just taking the shortest one you want taking the longer one and have that kind of control I see that yeah yeah