April 13th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: If I play it on Experimental, will I still be able to load it if I switch to Early Access?

April 13th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: If I play it on Experimental, will I still be able to load it if I switch to Early Access?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: June 28th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Will Experimental Update 6 save work when Update 6 comes to EA? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-Q47hXTGMc

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-cF3QleeEiJo,1303.766903,1386.648083">[https://youtube.com/embed/cF3QleeEiJo?autoplay=1&start=1303&end=1387 YouTube - April 13th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: If I play it on Experimental, will I still be able to load it if I switch to Early Access?]</ref>



people have been wondering if I play it on experimental and I have a save there will I still be loaded if I switch back to early access and yes you will you will the saves will will generally the saves will always load if you're playing on a newer or the same version of the game and you can see that if you check in like the left corner in the game there's like a version number there or a change list number rather cl if you will


where, it will tell you what version you're on and if you're playing on a similar version or a higher number then you can always load older saves it's the other way around where it's not possible because the game can't know in advance you know what's gonna be in the save structure and stuff like that sometimes we even change the save structure so and, yeah so it's it's it's possible to load old saves but you can't load like newer version save files so your save files will load in early access if you played on experimental, it's possible that you might need to like move the save files around on disk it depends a little bit of how you've been playing, the game if you've been on epic or if on steam and if you're playing offline and stuff like that, so if your save file doesn't show up in the list, it's probably still in the, save folder somewhere so just like move it around and it should be fine another thing that I have to point out