March 12th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: When are we going to see gameplay from Mikael?

March 12th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: When are we going to see gameplay from Mikael?

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when are we going to see gameplay from Mikel yeah that's a good question when actually so slight spoiler I we're we're finally making Headway with setting up a streaming Studio at the office for me so finally week on like on a week by week basis my audio slash video slash today lighting quality won't change randomly pendulum swing it's going to jump a bit soon yeah and, when that's running, then there are no more excuses look into it for sure because that's very much if not on the top then close to the top of just what I want to do yeah, in terms of like, making content for you guys, I'm not really a new player anymore I guess it's been like almost four no you're always are you at tier seven oh I'm garbage don't get me wrong I'm garbage no no no I'm in tier three yeah okay you're new still you're new until you get to tier seven that's when the game starts yeah oh yeah Weller then the tutorial is over phas three, it's those 100 footballs man like I those 100 footballs yeah like making them and my just thinking of making them and my motivation goes to like [ __ ] so yeah yeah phase three not tier three sorry, with satisfactory n already playing 1.0 and that's why we can't see his satisfactory G gameplay I mean that is technically true you're going to have to restart I'm playing 1.0 and 1.1 oops 1.1 yeah damn they haven't told about it oh [ __ ] but if you start if you start streaming you're going to have to go back to update 8 that's going to suck dude H oh is that possible no no you have to yeah you have to start from scratch again be honestly no honestly that's that might be for the best as well I always been thinking I'm making a new game for stream not lie D dessert yet there are I can't go back to update 8 right now there's like a few features that I can't live without, that's that's elitist oh [ __ ] what the hell look at this high horse oh my God it is it is a struggle to go back to up toate oh but not not for the reasons you guys think okay yeah this this is a mad teas this is a flex mhm speaking of I have my 1.0 Save open in front of me right now oh [ __ ] now yeah check the reflection in his eyes see can you see anything you see anything is my are my eyes like visible oh my God I can see everything there we go okay okay what do we see what do we see what was I going to say, but I feel like that's the case for every update like if you play update 7even it's really hard to go back to update six I can see fear and I can see and H that Mark 23 very nice 1.0 is so bright yeah okay shut up get the hell out next week it won't be hopefully that's pretty good though yeah pretty good you got me there, Mark six bels it is actually getting very warm in here I'm not going to lie in here how let's find out now like actually what it's like if I just turn this off now I got It's Like H dark now really dark yeah like this was the like this these were my like two options honestly at a first glance I might prefer this but the problem with this screen is that I would be like flashbanged over and over by swapping tabs so, or or actual flashbang yeah