May 28th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Did you guys sell the game too cheap? How did you decide on the price?

May 28th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Did you guys sell the game too cheap? How did you decide on the price?

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some people say the game is worth, I'm not sure how to phrase this question but but did you, some people say that the game is worth it if it's one USD per play hour which for some people is a lot, did you guys sell the game to cheap, or like how do you guys decide on the price, I think when we decided the price we looked at like similar games which were factorio and we were like what's what's a reasonable price random number generator I honestly think that was it we looked at like we looked at like is this game better than factorio and I don't think we felt at the time that like no, we liked our game we liked factorio, but in the factory e of ecosystem of games, I don't know I don't know I'm not entirely sure actually how we we settle on that price I just I just think that we looked at like similar games, and felt that like this is a good spot and also the fact that we were in Early Access, because yeah like if anything I mentioned this before like if we change the price then we'll do it for 1.0 or like in in advance for 1.0 and we're going to let you guys know if we intend to do that, so, but yeah I don't know- I just think at the time we felt that this is a reasonable price it's very difficult to price games, I think in some ways I think always felt that games are too cheap based on what you get out of it but like we're seeing this thing where you know when triaa games now are starting to move towards actually because you know games have always been like aleaa games have always been 60 bucks like since the since way back, and inflation has not stay the same but games have always been 60 bucks and I think that skewed people's like perceptive of like what value you get out of a game like people will not buy games like people refuse to buy a $60 game but they'll pay like 30 bucks to go see a movie and like when it comes to the value of like what you get out of- I think you know it's it's kind of obvious that games are way more valuable in that sense but maybe people don't agree with that, so, it's kind of impressive no when I was a kid they were 60 yeah does anyone remember when snacks and candy was like turo cheap oh yeah cuz I do that was also when I was yeah, so yeah pricing is always difficult and you know we've started seeing like now this wave coming in where AAA games are starting to like try and up the price and like try and combat the inflation thing people are like not not getting games, but then you have games that are maybe a bit too cheap, CU like for instance hell divers I think is worth more than what is it 40, nice I think it's 40, but, in in yeah a lot of people buy them so then it's fine, and considering considering this too satis Factory I think Goat Sim was 20 bucks when we launched, and satisfactory was you know 30 so even though satisfactory at the time was less sold than goat s when we launched it we was still we still made more out of satisfaction did for good Sim so it's a tricky balance, but I don't know- I think it's a question of like competition and like looking at what other games, what the priz are it's hard to sort of stand out when you have to argue that like yeah you can buy say the satisfactory was a 70 buck game like yeah you you can buy satisfactory for set 70 bucks but is it worth that over buying Foundry or buying, the other Factory games that I totally can list right now, so I don't know it's it's hard and I think if we want if it was a question of like you know finding more of streams for the game then maybe we'll look at DLC and make it worthwhile or make something else I don't know mhm