August 27th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: The Current map is not really helpful, could we add a grid overlay?

August 27th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: The Current map is not really helpful, could we add a grid overlay?

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as April 2021.
This question has 4 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-c1BSVZINOPI">[ YouTube - August 27th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: The Current map is not really helpful, could we add a grid overlay?]</ref>



the current map is not really helpful could we add a grid overlay and maybe update the map to show when we build something, do you want to buy this one sorry I was still stuck on the thing the the other question, the other question yeah we'll see if that's going to be the case or not actually oh it was I checked they asked if it was to be named and I waited 8 seconds and it was still named samore all right yeah


, what was the question again ignore that what was the question oh [ __ ], will samour still be named Sam not that question the other one after, I missed it did that did that question go away you are you me like what's going on here there we go the current no I see no the the one that I read afterward is uploaded to like the top so you couldn't find it holy [ __ ] that was so funny is that is that what it's like Chad is this what is this what it's like watching me being lost yes by the way what was the question what was the question you said you need can you handle this or what was, the current map is not really helpful could we add a grid overlay and may we update the map to show where we build something what's going on with this one yeah so so that's something that we wanted to do for a long time but we haven't had time to do it it's it's, we've been very inspired by like the calculator side and stuff like that where you can actually see your factories on the, the map, but it is, it's, it's a lot of work essentially and, it's it's one of those it could be cool in the future maybe if we keep working on the game, I mean we are going to work on the game but like if- I'm not sure to what extent that feature would be but if we can do it we'll do it M it's definitely on the radar