December 19th, 2019 Video Q&A: Is there going to be a way to destroy the fart rock?

December 19th, 2019 Video

Q&A: Is there going to be a way to destroy the fart rock?

This question was possibly replaced with a more recent answer: May 26th, 2023 Video Q&A: Can Fart Rocks be destroyed?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-byPiSQZOAhw">[ YouTube - December 19th, 2019 Video - Q&A: Is there going to be a way to destroy the fart rock?]</ref>



so yeah that is gonna be way to destroy the fart rock yeah, in the yeah so the problem right now is that the fart rock is not like a object in the world it's like a volume that's placed in level design, and it's kind of baked into the world so we can't remove it in the in the current iteration we have to implement a system for it, but yeah that's that's going to be we're going to fix that at some point so hold your horses looking forward to that you actually heard that we might be doing something different really yeah so whatever don't know so something's going to be done with the fart rocks whether they're removed or something right right, bacon rocks yeah cool