December 20th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Are Recipes going to rebalanced before 1.0?

December 20th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Are Recipes going to rebalanced before 1.0?

This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: You said end-game will be changed, will Recipes be easier or harder?

This question has a related topic
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hey Jess any chance the parts per minute of each item of the game is bounced, for when it will be released or made it into a guided playthrough mode to complete wait wait wait wait let me change the parts per minute of each item guided playthrough mode to complete I don't understand the question I'm sorry I don't quite understand are you asking if things are going to change, there there is a chance there is a chance that like between now and 1.0 that, like recipe stuff rebalancing may happen, we hope not but there's a very good chance that we might need to do that, recipe rebalancing is also going to be good on a technical front too because when a larger number of parts or fluids need to be calculated that can cause issues, under the hood in terms of how that can do and then how that can be calculated and that can be inaccuracies and things like that and so the I think the team has like they're interested in doing some fixes that might alleviate that, but one one part of that can be rebalancing a lot of, recipes so that everything just uses a like a bit less so that there's less, issues mathematically under the hood, yeah but again like so that's a scary thing right because if we if we change recipe numbers like that that screws over people's save files, but we have had to do that once before I think it was with update three a lot of people had to put in a lot of work to recover their save files save files but they could just took a lot of work so we don't really take that stuff lightly, but if we do rebalance stuff we will give big heads up a big heads up make sure people are as aware as possible, for what's coming yeah