October 1st, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Have you taken any of the suggestions from the QA Site since 1.0?

October 1st, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Have you taken any of the suggestions from the QA Site since 1.0?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-bDz5s-VdXI8">[https://youtu.be/bDz5s-VdXI8 YouTube - October 1st, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Have you taken any of the suggestions from the QA Site since 1.0?]</ref>



have you taken any of the suggestions from the QA site since 1.0, We've absolutely heard all the feedback and, just voes voices about bugs mainly since launch the game is still very very new or the 1.0 is still very very new, so ever since the launch of that we've just honestly been focused on stabilizing what little there was honestly again like the launch has been pleasantly stable aside from a couple of, first 12 hours or 24 hours like kind of, hard critical bugs coal, so there's been a lot of voices heard about again bugs and feedback regarding issues, suggestions I mean do keep posting them again we absolutely love reading them we absolutely like to see them come in we, what's it we spit ball a lot internally as well like we're still kind of not solidifying but like we're still in the middle of deciding maybe getting closer maybe not it's like but is trying to decide exactly where to go next with the game, so we have some internal ideas as well and, yeah we'll absolutely keep an eye on just sheer suggestions on the QA site and see what can be worked in naturally that matches well with our own thoughts as we move forward yes