August 17th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Any chance of a fan or a vent to neutralise the gas towers?

August 17th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Any chance of a fan or a vent to neutralise the gas towers?

This question has 2 related videos, and a related topic
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-bA-jzp-iFV8">[ YouTube - August 17th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Any chance of a fan or a vent to neutralise the gas towers?]</ref>



yeah any chance for a fan or event to neutralize the gas towers I don't know exactly what we planned, but I know that we have some idea to take care of the gas oh do we I didn't know that learning citing you by the way so like you're citing me yeah no you're not okay I guess I guess we don't know then I'm citing you no I'm tired of you oh god oh god this is a [ __ ] this is paradox the stream's just gonna [ __ ] like just go to


god damn it took me like three hours to find the technical difficulties button holy [ __ ] nice, all right well- I thought we had some plans to do something with the gas, but maybe you don't I don't know hit us up on the q a site and let us know how you feel and then maybe there's something about that we want to blow them up or something yeah gross gross you guys just want to destroy everything