September 24th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Is the game considered finished by the studio?

September 24th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Is the game considered finished by the studio?

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is the game considered finished by the studio is your 1.0 release the end product or just polished enough to exit Early Access so it's more the ladder we are not we're going to keep working on satisfactory we're not done with it, we haven't announced anything yet as to what we're working on right now but we are working on something for satisfactory, and, who knows how long we'll keep doing that it might be that we you know keep working on satisf for a long time or maybe not, or maybe like part of the studio works on satisfactory and part of the studio does in something else, we'll see we'll see, nothing is fully set in stone we've we've just like started touching on like the next step for satisfactory and there is a next step for satisfactory 1.0 is sort of just like this is the complete experience that we intended for satisfactory that's sort of what 1.0 is supposed to be, but there's still things we can do with I we could work on satisfactory for forever I feel like, but at some point we want to start looking into other things but for now we're going to keep working on satisfactory