February 9th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: What do you think about the situation where many only build platforms in the sky?

February 9th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: What do you think about the situation where many only build platforms in the sky?


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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-a49jT6lb3ZU">[https://youtu.be/a49jT6lb3ZU YouTube - February 9th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: What do you think about the situation where many only build platforms in the sky?]</ref>



I don't think about the situation that many only build platforms in the sky is that, is that what you want in terms of map design, yes and no yeah I mean we want people to build however they want and if people feel like it's a necessity to like have to build up way high in this guy yeah but I don't know it's like pretty it's an interesting question right because like from a game design point of view it's like okay people are doing that but is that the game we wanted to make kind of thing yeah I don't know like when I started playing the game that was one of the first things I wanted to do I was like I want to build something in the sky like a big platform situation right then when you play more of it you're like that's kind of cool to like try and figure out how to get it working so like it really depends on how you want your base to work like yeah yeah but it is an interesting aspect yeah I don't think it's something that we're gonna I don't think it's something we're gonna try and tackle though no I think it's a whether it's a problem or not I don't think it's something we want to address, yeah you know we we have played with the idea of, like structural support and stuff like that and we even had a prototype with it for it a few quite a few years ago and, decided that, we didn't want it so for whatever the reasons were whether we didn't like the idea of it or if it was too hard or whatever I can't remember if anything it's definitely a performance thing like yeah like like holy [ __ ] like that that would affect so much it would have affected like how the game would have been designed I assume yeah it would be a completely different game