March 14th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: How often are calculations done per second/minute?

March 14th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: How often are calculations done per second/minute?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as June 2021.
This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-_fwOEF1AyUA">[ YouTube - March 14th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: How often are calculations done per second/minute?]</ref>



I'll also answer this because I think this is interesting to talk about how often are calculations done per second minute and this is the same for Mark 1 marked five belts so the way it works is the my calculations are independent of time so it doesn't matter how often they run, which is a tiny bit false but for the most part calculations don't need, time because like the way it works and this is for how most games work because we've we've sort of moved away from time dependent or frame dependence like calculations for a long time actually or CPU Loops but the way it works is you you know here's you do a calculation here and then time passes and then when you get to the next cycle or the game tick we usually refer to it we ask ourselves like okay how long since this tick like how long was it between these like how big was this window and if it was a second if it was a minute you know we apply that to the all the calculations essentially so like even if even if, it was an hour between the two ticks you know because it took so long to get around it it would still make the correct calculation for this tick however The Tick the game tick and the render tick are independent of each other so sometimes you don't see the actual tick reflection because you might be a frame behind or many frames behind sometimes, so sometimes there's an offset of that but for the most part there's like all the the all the like calculation for like you know belts and all that stuff they're completely time independent there's a slight there's a there's like a few exceptions but they don't really make a huge difference unless you're running like, you will maybe notice some parts of the game running a bit differently if you're running in like five FPS versus if you're running like in 60 FPS for over a long stretch of time that's when you would notice it potentially in one game session by the way, but for the most part you don't need to worry too much about that stuff, so yeah and I said FPS now but what I should have said is milliseconds because that's more interesting because FPS isn't a linear relation it's a bigger time gap between five to ten milliseconds than there is from 60 to 70., FPS so that's why it's usually a bad indicator to talk about frames per second when you're talking about performance for games because it's very confusing and they're not linear, if you make a if you make an improvement from like five fps to 10 FPS that's a huge Improvement but to make an improvement from like 60s to to 80 is not as big because like I said they're not linear the higher FPS count the smaller the the actual time between this, anyways but I digress