January 19th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Will you be able to skip Oil Extractors and go straight for Resource Well Extractors?

January 19th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Will you be able to skip Oil Extractors and go straight for Resource Well Extractors?


This question has 3 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-_MeCW-2ol-c">[https://youtu.be/_MeCW-2ol-c YouTube - January 19th, 2021 Livestream - Q&A: Will you be able to skip Oil Extractors and go straight for Resource Well Extractors?]</ref>



so it sounds like, you'll need to use the regular like all buildings regardless if you want to use this if I remember like you won't be able to like skip the regular oil extraction and just go for that fracking thing instead right you'll still have to progress the game is regular, because I know people that skip, like coal and just go straight for the late tier power options whereas this won't really be possible how do they do that I don't know I don't know but people people they just go biomass and then awesome and just like I guess they just buy ios all the way I guess they do biomass and then they use the, think to like buy, coupons so that they can unlock tears where you yeah exactly oh it sounds like it's five by five yeah I'm gonna be honest that's how I did a lot of my unlocks so you went through crash hide grabbed like a computer and you throw it in sync deadline, sure no I actually just grinded stuff and just bought tickets and just on like went for like what do I need to unlock the next tier I need this okay I'm just gonna buy that it's mostly like plastic and and rubber and stuff like mostly oiled things that was needed, so that's how you choose your game yeah plenty of ways to play the awesome