March 30th, 2021 Livestream Q&A: Is the Multiplayer bad? a review said so.

March 30th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Is the Multiplayer bad? a review said so.

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is the multiplayer bad or have you said so it it I th the way so the way I see it and I guess I'm a bit biased because I'm working on the game but it's it really depends on, your situation because whenever we've play tested the game it's always been perfect like it's it's it's actually really frustrating because when we play tests we like there are a few things that we know are bad like the train stuff because we haven't done that yet but like a lot of issues that people complain about with like the multiplayer stuff is stuff that we never see when we when we play test ourselves and it's really annoying because it makes it so much harder to optimize the game for it but but vehicles are pretty buggy, and vehicles are something that also I don't use a lot so that might also add to it but, so so yeah it's really tricky, but that's just my opinion man like it's it varies for people like some people have no issues some people have a lot of issues like the hardcore players that play for a long time they will definitely hit a wall where like replication is just like stagnated and it just makes it so hard to play, so it really depends like it's so hard to give an answer to that question and it's also frustrating because it's not really something that's covered in like the you can't really figure this out after playing for two hours, you know the the like the refund policy thing because you're not gonna like run into those issues within those two hours, so it's it's tricky as hell but we are we are working on the multiple things and- I really believe we can make it better, it's it's already like we can see improvement to it like we can see it because we measure it it might be hard for you guys because you only get like the incremental improvements but I like it it is improving I can definitely see that, so like I mean it's if if that's something that like makes you hesitate then hold off until 1.0 or something wait for a bit longer, but that's just my opinion man I guess just check with other people see what their experiences are like there are reviews that say it's bad or the review site's fine like it's it's a minefield, you know tricky tricky tricks tricky