May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Snutt said there were features they really wanted, is there anything they wish wasn't in?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Snutt said there were features they really wanted, is there anything they wish wasn't in?

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at snoot specifically you said there are features in 1.0 you couldn't play without is there anything add added you'd prefer it had not well what as in like there's some new thing in 1.0 that I wish it didn't have oh is that you mean yeah, the, no I can't think of anything no there there's nothing in 1.0 that like no there's nothing like 1.0 has stuff that I've been wanting to have for a long time, it fixes a couple of issues I've had with the game for a long time and, yeah there's nothing like in 1.0 that annoys me like that we did I can actually mention this real quick we did break a couple of things with like snapping and and, the guideline system that we had, and I don't know if when people play the close beta I don't think they got like a good representation of like where we're at with that stuff now because we did fix a bunch of stuff based on their feedback, but, yeah I think they they yeah we're on the right track for that stuff