January 20th, 2023 Video
Whether the bug is part of a feature we intend to overhaul or address later
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<ref name="yt-_IHY_1L3pBY,414.5808333333333,523.1226">[https://youtube.com/embed/_IHY_1L3pBY?autoplay=1&start=414&end=524 YouTube - January 20th, 2023 Video - Whether the bug is part of a feature we intend to overhaul or address later]</ref>
thing that affects the priority of bugs is whether or not the bug is part of a feature that we intend to overhaul or address later on so we've got a couple examples and there's one here this is posted by godspeed two years ago MK3 miners with two outputs because when you overclock an MK3 Miner to its maxibility there are no belts quick enough to Output the what the miner can extract from a resource node right so this is this is obviously a problem, and so this is a post from two years ago and this hasn't been this hasn't been fixed yet or addressed yet but we have talked about this before and it will be addressed just so you know another example is if you just search for like the truck on the QA site, yeah I mean trucks and tractors getting stuck on foundations their physics are kind of wonky they fly out into space you know like there are issues around the vehicles and there are so many posts here that I can see I'm looking at them right now three years ago two years ago right a year ago three years ago like there's so many but like the vehicle thing this will be addressed at some point but like right now it doesn't make sense to to run around plugging random holes all over the game at this stage during Early Access when the state of the game has a decent amount of volatility so why are we going to spend time fixing something with the vehicles now potentially risk introducing new bugs in the process only to undo it all when we intend to rework the vehicles in the future anyway there are actually Arguments for this though and it sort of depends on severity I mean obviously having better functioning vehicles in the meantime might be good but we also don't know if that's easy to achieve right now, because you know there are certain issues that we can run into that could have just Band-Aid fixes which are simple especially if the issues are really severe you know we can we can do that even if it means redoing work later yeah it sort of just depends on the severity and it depends on the difficulty of the fix the next thing we