January 20th, 2023 Video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code
<ref name="yt-_IHY_1L3pBY,1031.0967333333333,1128.394">[https://youtube.com/embed/_IHY_1L3pBY?autoplay=1&start=1031&end=1129 YouTube - January 20th, 2023 Video - Communication]</ref>
things should be better perhaps we could improve communication now this is one area that I think can be improved quite a bit I think we do a pretty good job at communicating things in general like I think we do pretty well here on the YouTube channel and on streams and things like that but I do think that we are dropping the ball a little bit when it comes to the QA site I think there's a lack of feedback there we literally have a feature on the QA site where we can Mark certain posts as resolved fixed internally acknowledged or whatever like known issue right however there are a lot of posts that have actually been addressed or acknowledged or have planned fixes, on the QA site but they haven't even been marked as such yet they're still left as open and the fact that we have some posts that are two years old with 1200 upvotes and marked as open not even listed as known issue or something like that I think is a little unacceptable and I think we can do better there it's entirely possible that if we were to communicate better on the QA site that people might feel more heard there they'll feel less disenfranchised and more willing to post feedback and I think that this will go a really long way when people can see that we've seen their posts because I think radio silence can be torture especially if the past experience is that your bugs haven't gotten fixed right so I'm gonna bring this up to the team I don't I have no promises I can't say what we're gonna do or anything like that but I'll bring it up with the team and, hopefully we can make some changes to address this so we can get some better communication or feedback on the QA side so that people know when when we, when we see things it's not super it's not super easy to do because everyone's kind of busy with other things but I'll bring it up we'll talk about it I'm hopeful that we can find a solution but we'll see how it goes anyway that's all I kind of wanted to cover today it's just a lot of