February 4th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: From a game performance perspective, is it better to use slower or faster Belts?

February 4th, 2025 Livestream

Q&A: From a game performance perspective, is it better to use slower or faster Belts?


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-_DepXNNKBvk">[https://youtu.be/_DepXNNKBvk YouTube - February 4th, 2025 Livestream - Q&A: From a game performance perspective, is it better to use slower or faster Belts?]</ref>



from a game performance perspective is it better to use conveyor belts close to the delivery speed or to choose Mark 5 or Mark six belts I am actually from a gameplay performance perspective I'm actually unsure, my gut feeling is that Mark 6 belts are heavier on the system I know Guru watches these, streams yeah if you say something but if you see me if you see this feel free to Ping On teams Guru and we could have an answer otherwise I will actually find you and ask you later and that reminds me that, you do wonder where a note that is supposed to be here and only here where that goes and how it manages to leave this room, every single time it's because I bring it with me to it's because I do bring it with me to the programmers actually and it's probably down there, so yeah let me just be super sneaky for 20 no 18 seconds and open a digital Notepad