May 25th, 2021 Livestream Community FYI: I see you guys are getting absolutely destroyed on twitter by Deep Rock Galactic

May 25th, 2021 Livestream

Community FYI: I see you guys are getting absolutely destroyed on twitter by Deep Rock Galactic

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-_Cuk9s2qD9c">[ YouTube - May 25th, 2021 Livestream - Community FYI: I see you guys are getting absolutely destroyed on twitter by Deep Rock Galactic]</ref>



because you guys are currently getting absolutely destroyed on twitter by the way I think account okay wait there's something you need you need to realize here real soul all right so let me just check something real quick let me just check something real quick let me just check something okay so here's the thing all right when when you're almost three times the size of another account you can't punch down yeah all right they're gonna run and and and throw their little gifts around all right and you're just gonna have to let them have their fun yeah just that's just it that's it and then we won't talk about disc or anything like that but yeah definitely on twitter for sure what about the discord are they nothing no no nothing but also we're also punching ourselves on discord I don't know like yeah I mean we've been we've been pledging ourselves on twitter it's our brand yeah oh yeah that's what you mean what never mind snitch passing notes the secret tell us show it to the whole class