May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: How much notice will we get to prepare for 1.0?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: How much notice will we get to prepare for 1.0?

This question may have been asked previously at least 1 other time, as recently as February 2024.
This question has 2 related videos
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I'm not sure- I half understand this question so I'll try and respond to it but how far out would be the promised announcement for players to secure their factories for 1.0 before it comes out, as in like- I assume what you mean is like I think the question is is like can we be notified as like what changes are coming in 1.0 so we can adapt our factories to it, we will give you guys some news like as to like what, like what recipe changes will affect you guys right now if you have factories that exist, another aspect is also we've moved some of the nodes in the on the map, so that will also affect some of the players so like that information we plan to make a video to sort of give you that information, we want to make that video actually we actually talked about this today we want to make that video as soon as we can so that you guys get as much time as possible to plan for 1.0, but we can't give you that video, yet we we we there's a few things that need to, happen first but as as soon as we possibly can we're going to make that video, and and- I'm pretty sure that it will be enough time for you guys to plan out your factories, but here's the thing too there are a few things in 1.0 that has changed that you can't account for, which ties into new content and we obviously won't reveal too much of the new content immediately, but the new content will affect your existing factories so like we'll give you as much information as we can so you can plan for 1.0 but just bear in mind that there will be some things that you can't plan for, so regardless how much time you plan for 1.0 and and remake your factories it will also always be one some element of you need to change it up, once 1.0 comes out so just bear that in mind, but we we will give you guys an update so you can you can do as as best as you can mhm