March 9th, 2018 Q&A
Q&A: Are the first two letters of your next game's title really "Sa" ?
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<ref name="yt-Zo2ybvs7keI,344.96,382.8">[ YouTube - March 9th, 2018 Q&A - Q&A: Are the first two letters of your next game's title really "Sa" ?]</ref>
you know this young gun o-360 are the first two letters of your next game's title really essay what they're referring to right here is an image that I posted on on Monday and the answer to the question is yes actually the first two letters our essay I was just trolling you guys a little bit there but that is true and that really is the game that we're working on right now by the way some people were asking why isn't their super sanctum TD in the coffee's same section of this image the reason is because this is an image taken by one of our testers and they don't have super sanctum TD that's why they didn't put it there or if they do they didn't put it in that category it's it's no like we made that and then cut super second TD out no weird funny business going on there it's your boy asks a great