December 8th, 2023 Video Q&A: Does Mikael like Final Fantasy?

December 8th, 2023 Video

Q&A: Does Mikael like Final Fantasy?

This question has 2 related videos
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number one do you like Final Fantasy oh it's my favorite game series actually in F14 you know I'm currently pring DSR ultimate we're in phase six and honestly like it's crazy hard but we're getting there like the death of the heavens mechanic is like the con line I'm in the middle and like that's actually insane from the middle we have eight different locations to be in depending on the Doom the bus depending on the you know are they all left are they all right are they spread you go to Edge and then forwards backwards north south west east and then the PlayStation afterwards you know like triangle leg circle square like where am I going with the Doom div of as well remembering to pull and then move and then stack it's just nuts man I don't get it it's fun