May 18th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Jace Talk: Green Energy

May 18th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Jace Talk: Green Energy

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Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-ZJj1LxI9JHc">[ YouTube - May 18th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt & Jace Talk: Green Energy]</ref>



people asking about just green energy and general wind or solar you know what it's do you think fix it don't care about saving the planet guys fix just just just just send up the goods just send the goods up for this video colgate exactly you just want to burn that [ __ ] mark was on stream a couple of weeks ago and, he actually did a really good response to that, because we did have solar power and wind power in satisfactory a long time ago when we protect it first, and the reason why it's not in the game is because it doesn't add any like interesting like trade-offs to power because it's just like you put it there and it exists and you get power and in a game where you have infinite resources it's nothing stopping you from just building a solar farm that's like you know the entire map and you essentially have infinite power so there's no interesting and I know people are going to be immediately like but what if you can clean the the like they get dirty or like it gets night or it gets dark and suddenly nighttime affects it and that and the night time and satisfactory is five minutes compared to the 45 minutes in daytime so it's almost like doesn't exist and the whole like cleaning thing where like they get dirty it it adds like the whole maintenance aspect to the game and it's that you imagine having a thousand things that need to get cleaned yeah like I got my soul of my my wind things now and then you're running around all day just like yeah one by one just that's that's not something that we want to do we don't want to do any like kind of maintenance that's also why we don't want to do base defense or tower defense or anything like that because it's like once you build something and once it's automated you know it's running you don't need to think too much about it, so yeah those are the main reasons why we haven't added solar power or wind power and will probably never add solar or wind power to the game wow yeah big words there big words from mark oh boy big words from mark nobody sounded like they I'm rephrasing what mark said rephrasing yeah yeah yeah no it's true flashback to mark on that stream like, yes we will add or something like and I'm just like completely misinterpreting everything he's saying yeah yeah and he was just like we're not sure yet but it's just like oh it's been confirmed there you go chad you no but let me finish now