June 14th, 2022 Livestream Tobias, Etienne, & Snutt Talk: New Ammo types (Part 4)

June 14th, 2022 Livestream

Tobias, Etienne, & Snutt Talk: New Ammo types (Part 4)


This video is part of a series of 7 videos.
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Z6bo0pjYghk,6925.322579,7226.165107">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z6bo0pjYghk?autoplay=1&start=6925&end=7227 YouTube - June 14th, 2022 Livestream - Tobias, Etienne, & Snutt Talk: New Ammo types (Part 4)]</ref>



all right we can't meet you no bugs please stop finding bugs his name is perfect yeah it's more stuff to fix that's great all right now let's get that let's get those coupons let's get those coupons you probably need to run quite a bit right because the creatures don't spawn when you're close to factory but yeah exactly that's fun I'm worried about it as well more coupons is that enough to buy a bunch of ammo types, I mean seems pretty expensive are they because a lot of stuff is still kind of expensive in the ammo pack what is that that's iron rebar do we not unlock like the special auto types or the special parts more ink okay okay yeah maybe you haven't added it to the awesome shop yet that you can unlock, yeah well but you needed nobles to crafts yeah I mean yeah now that that 20 coupon that gets that gets us the 200 nobody's yeah it does yeah pretty well someone's someone's it's grinding over there working hard yeah I don't know what's being thrown into the scene but there's probably a lot we probably have like a bunch of computer parts that's being automated somewhere by 20 like that but actually and then we should be able to make I know we needed to research it right yeah yeah that was the thing so what was it it was the cluster yeah oh my god we're missing tom oh no way can you buy black powder, I think that's this is smokeless yeah yeah but you can buy black powder so you can make smokeless all right all right yeah yeah you can parts now you can buy small pieces okay oh it's 100 as well that's pretty good but like three couplings yeah that's not bad sweet money it's in the yeah there we go yeah and a thing lots more coupons yes let's see here no handcrafting oh which one for the smugglers search for smokeless what can you not handcraft that at all oh oh oh that's problematic hmm wait it's not research no it should be research yeah I think so right I mean it should be like yeah yeah yeah oh yeah you need a refinery for that yeah okay yeah that's an issue that's a bummer all right let's skip the cluster then I guess skip that for now I mean yeah we could we could probably research something else here right we have something are these yeah of course crystal ah of course we have a bunch of, there's a there's a quartz right close to you isn't there, there might be yeah we can probably get this but that one can you can buy ammo though you can buy regular ammo we can yeah but we're missing we're missing the encased aluminum casing whatever we need ammo types yes, all right let's find some creatures let's find some green yep let's just go blue up let's do it that sounds like a good idea to me yes oh wait did somebody place no so sad sad faces in the chat yeah lots more coupons but that doesn't help us yeah it's nothing 50 hens so yeah the question is where can we go for some creatures because I don't know this time if you go straight up into the the haydn forest oh there's no that was a tree just a tree oh wait there should be one close by here because there's a oh we have a up kind of go to swamp can we how close would we just swamp oh this one you have the map unlocked that's true that's true yeah you're going straight we're going straight to the swamp yeah that's perfect I can't reload and shoot at the same time so you might run into the tropical spitters there's the bean jesus is so