June 14th, 2022 Livestream Linear Overclocking (Part 2)

June 14th, 2022 Livestream

Linear Overclocking (Part 2)


This video is a continuation of a previous video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Z6bo0pjYghk,4135.148343,4630.361819">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z6bo0pjYghk?autoplay=1&start=4135&end=4631 YouTube - June 14th, 2022 Livestream - Linear Overclocking (Part 2)]</ref>



so so real quick as I kind of want to bring up because now that we're bringing up overclocking I think one important thing that we should probably like can I come back to is like the reason why we wanted to change overclocking there were a couple of reasons why we wanted to change overclocking right there was the, we want to use we want to make slugs more attractive to use right there was the making like having the non-linear fashion overclocking was a bit confusing for folks that are like trying to like when they're starting to overclock they like they get fused broken and they don't understand like quite why so like the fact that it's an exponential growth like, power consumption and power production I think too right, the power consumption is exponential yeah when you actually it's kind of interesting when this is when you overclock, power generators yeah they are linear in the sense that they they linearly consume more resources scaling to the power that's what I would say it's just that the value itself isn't skilled according to the the overclocking value so if you scale it to 200 it's not going to be 200 up with an input increase which is kind of weird yeah that is actually something that I do want to change just straight up in the future because I think there's no reason for us to have that complication yeah because that is linear effectively it just makes the numbers really wonky the main reason that we can change that now is because it would mess with the 250 percent, nuclear power plant because you can't supply the amount of water it would need at that point if we went in when full linear scaling there yeah that's true, because like oh jesus somebody else was like, because because one thing that kind of like also made me realize like the fact if you go to our wiki where's the thing imaging here that's this one right, if you go to our wiki we have a like the wiki is really good at like presenting like all the the everything related to, overclocking go away, so like there's a graph over here that showcases like, ratio I think this is the interesting one yeah so like just showcasing sort of like how how the overclocking system works and gives you examples like if you are overclocking like a basic constructor you know time doesn't scale linearly so like 150 is not half of 4 seconds and you don't get the same output and stuff like that and it shows here's the actual formula stuff like this stuff like when I visited the site it just made me realize like how it's kind of hard to like get a grasp when you're just playing the game sort of you know yeah I mean it's the design that you kind of break it down when you're playing it's just designed that you kind of realize hey if I overclock I'm going to get I'm going to use more power than I need to if I just build more yeah machines but it's different for for power generation of course yeah which maybe makes it more confusing yeah the reasons you were stating were correct like that's mult there's just multiple reasons that we would want to change it one big reason as well is performance that was actually the initial reason that I discussed with ben was that if we would do it then people would be more inclined to overclock meaning that they have less buildings in a factory meaning that they can play for longer without their computer burning down yeah which is just an issue that we're always going to have with this game because it just skills so far you can build so much and it's not really possible for us to make it, run for everyone pro like in a nice way if they start building that much, and of course we want to make slugs more attractive that's why we decided to do this potentially then with the expiration update as we kind of discussed it to be because we wanted people to go up more and find more things that were valuable and we felt that slugs weren't that valuable because the trade-off of trading a slug and basically doing that trade-off and then using more power wasn't really valid for most players like the tradeoff wasn't worth it yeah so so yeah I'm kind of bringing it up because I think it's an important when because people are going to discuss about this again because it isn't final that we're not going to do linear I think I think we're we just want like I said have that get a little bit more time for us to evaluate ourselves as to what we do I think you mentioned to me like maybe maybe the the best case scenario isn't that we do linear maybe we just reduce the exponent or something like that yeah, we'll see we're trying we kind of need to like evaluate that ourselves and and then we'll let you guys try it and see if it's making a difference yeah one good thing maybe to think about there or to mention there as well is that the reason that we opted to not change it because we were kind of oscillating between should we just change it and see what go what happens or should we not change it and, look at it again and make a proper decision later and we opted for not changing it because we also added more telemetry for this update yeah so we're collecting additional data and we're we're gonna try to see how people actually use the overclocking because we we worked with a lot of assumptions when we made these decisions and we looked a lot what people said about overclocking and that's what we based a lot of our decisions on or like initial thoughts on, so now we're hoping that if we can kind of see how people actually use overclocking we might get a clearer picture of how the system is currently used and how that might affect how we want to change it right so we have more like us a better base base case or whatever to see like what we're comparing it to gotcha, yeah if anybody didn't know we we do collect a little bit of gameplay data, we've been doing that since launch, I don't think we've used a lot of it like up until but we also had very minor I think you even implemented it yeah I did right yeah we never barely we only really collected when people unlock something yeah and when that happened yeah so we did use it to kind of, pace the game and decide like how many coupons you should get permitted and kind of estimate how fast people would get coupons for example but that's really the only information that we had everything else we got just from player interaction the qa side just checking on discord discussions that people had and that's a really hard way to actually collect information of course because you're going to miss things and you're going to get kind of this cute perception because of the community that's actually actively discussing things might be different than the community and yeah yeah yeah it is tricky because like the people that are on our team forums and are reddit and stuff like that you you don't know if like they actually reflect the entire player base yeah or if it's just like you know it could be it could be the die-hard players it could also be just like the the normies or whatever who are there to converse and the die-hards maybe or somewhere else maybe they're not don't want to be on our forums and stuff like that you never know so it's always hard to like grasp you know who are who are what is your player base really looking at like what they're actually doing because I think we also had that we did we did poop polls for them yeah right and it was like majority like 75 was yeah at least initially like a lot of people we did a couple of polls actually, on a couple of different platforms and I think I think the people that joined on those polls are like the people that you know are here on the streams and in our weekly streams and like there want to keep up to date like every single week and they're the people that probably played a lot of the game and maybe wanted to try something fresh or maybe they didn't like that approach yeah and I can see it as well if you played a lot you have a big factory it might be nicer if you can actually overclock purely linear yeah because then you don't feel like you're being inefficient for overclocking because you can't otherwise run your game anymore yeah but it was interesting to see because of course a lot of the discussion arose because people wanted to keep keep the overclocking the way it was but then the polls showed that the majority wanted it to actually change they'd be fine with the change yeah at least in those polls yeah but even though the majority was like let's just change it we were still kind of like, maybe we should look at it again because a lot of good ideas were brought up and I didn't want to just jump the gun yeah I feel like when we were discussing it as well like when I was trying to like understand what the implications were I think we also realized a bunch of stuff like oh wait this affects this yeah so and that's I think that's something that I don't like a lot of people realize when they're not doing game design is that some very minor things can have very huge implications to the game, so you know sometimes you might be thinking like why aren't they changing this very minor thing and it's because they can trickle down and affect a lot of stuff and if it ends up like affecting maybe one of our core gameplay pillars that like the game is tied to like then we're not gonna do that yeah exactly