June 14th, 2022 Livestream Aeoliran - Time well spent

June 14th, 2022 Livestream

Aeoliran - Time well spent


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Z6bo0pjYghk,1794.804943,1883.2504181419226">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z6bo0pjYghk?autoplay=1&start=1794&end=1884 YouTube - June 14th, 2022 Livestream - Aeoliran - Time well spent]</ref>



know yeah yeah, next time is from a lyron, learning yes very tricky name to say but it is aeolian yes, so, what's the word term here slap them on the fingers because apparently, they were procrastinating when they made this they were supposed to be moving out of the northern like how their base instead they made this very beautiful though an amazing crystalline sculptures like a little crystal flower in the middle yeah if anyone plays runescape it reminds me of the place that I can't pronounce but the elven place you know where the elves are there's crystals everywhere this would fit right in gotcha if they were a factory exactly if they embraced an industry yeah exactly, so yeah but I mean I think that's I think you'll be fine like it probably won't be too bad once the update drops right right right right all right moving on from a lot of people are getting it right by the way they're saying it it's the proof dennis I don't know how to say it though it's it's bonkers I actually recognize that yeah no I mean it's a popular holiday destination location so this is the only thing I'm gonna say is if you can't pronounce it then nobody can right because you always at least in my world because I can't never pronounce people's names all you gotta do is say it with confidence you don't have to actually get it right that's that's the trick yeah that's that's that's my that's my weak weakness all