June 14th, 2022 Livestream TheRealMooChiChi - Bestagon Drone Hub

June 14th, 2022 Livestream

TheRealMooChiChi - Bestagon Drone Hub


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Z6bo0pjYghk,1698.478271,1794.804943">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z6bo0pjYghk?autoplay=1&start=1698&end=1795 YouTube - June 14th, 2022 Livestream - TheRealMooChiChi - Bestagon Drone Hub]</ref>



you get why so another one so here's from, the real mu chichi, who's made this really cool like, drone hub thingy and, you know it's made from hexagons made out of the vestigons exactly so this is what it looks like from the top there was another really cool thing in the background by the way which is also which is gnarly yeah so shout outs to that so I think we showcased this like a while ago right because I remember we had that discussion with like best against hexagons blah blah blah I think that was that building in the background but I'm not 100 sure, just moderately sure if anyone knows maybe even if if the real moochie cheese here not the fake muchi chiti but yeah I think everyone everyone confirms that, hexagons are indeed the best to go we already knew if we could see that much yeah yeah already knew that, oh dang so yeah this is a and apparently this did not increase fps which I'm not surprised wait did not increase fps yeah adding a bunch of drone ports no I assume that adding things wouldn't increase other occasions maybe either maybe what they're meaning here is that like instead of having a bunch of conveyor belts having the drone boards right right right, it might be true I don't know- I don't have the numbers but it's a gnarly build and it and it farms reddit karma points and you know what that's that's that's the most important thing right I would trade fps for reddit karma any day I don't know about you guys gotta get your priorities straight you know yeah yeah, next time is from