June 14th, 2022 Livestream ShinoHarvest - Double Helix all the way

June 14th, 2022 Livestream

ShinoHarvest - Double Helix all the way


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Z6bo0pjYghk,1312.8433587563136,1405.627833">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z6bo0pjYghk?autoplay=1&start=1312&end=1406 YouTube - June 14th, 2022 Livestream - ShinoHarvest - Double Helix all the way]</ref>



shino harvest, a name we are not, this is incredible yeah this is bridge meta plus sign meta and there's probably a crate in the background somewhere damn this is cool even there's two bridges even you can see I know I don't just flex it they're just like oh what's that in the back don't worry about that this is this is the, this is where the the party is this is where the magic happens up front damn it I can't see my notes when I have it like this oh I wish I have more space yeah yeah it's a it's a weird setup yeah the setup right now is kind of strange but you know it's working and sometimes actually most of the time whenever all of our streams have always had weird setups even back when we're in the cinema you know we would have like this much space oh yeah with all this technology there, you know it's just what you got to do yeah she know I was totally little with this I like- I don't know if we probably said this multiple times during the communalized I do it every single time I see the signs set up like this because we've made it so that you no longer have to like open the sign to like copy and paste the setting of it, the fact that sheena harvest like actually did go through that is shows dedication yes if anything so yeah I'm super impressed that anybody uses science in this way and like in this like size as well yeah no this is this is really cool I don't I don't know if we've seen anything kind of like this before or I have it anyway but like the whole like the dotted kind of look as well yeah that's really cool all right next up is from