June 14th, 2022 Livestream Hannah, Anna, Torsten, & Snutt Talk: 5 minutes left to launch

June 14th, 2022 Livestream

Hannah, Anna, Torsten, & Snutt Talk: 5 minutes left to launch


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Z6bo0pjYghk,10965.503248,11129.395503">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z6bo0pjYghk?autoplay=1&start=10965&end=11130 YouTube - June 14th, 2022 Livestream - Hannah, Anna, Torsten, & Snutt Talk: 5 minutes left to launch]</ref>



this is oh we're at five minutes left until, yeah so, super close, there's probably a little so so I'm just gonna really quickly like go through what's gonna happen in five minutes so in five minutes we're we're gonna hit the button the big old button to push the build live it's gonna live on experimental if you guys don't know how to get experimental is on steam you right click the game hit properties and then you go to the betas tab that's in the menu will open up and then you can opt into the experimental version make sure to back up your save files before you do this, because we're using the same directory for save files so, you know you'll be using the same save file so if something happens on experimental and it overrides your save file or if steam does something or epic for that matter, do something funky with cloud saved you know anything can happen so make sure to back up your save files and on epic it should be like a separate game one important thing is that cloud save did not work on the experimental version on the epic version so take note of that so if you're playing on epic and you switch back to ea it's possible that like the ea version will be like hey you're playing an old say file I'm gonna cloud sync it and then your your progress and experimental might be gone so always back up your save files, back every exact nature got me covered so, and yeah this is an experimental launch as you may have noticed during the stream, you know there are there are some bugs here and there we are going to fix those things we are kind of releasing this update a bit earlier because we just felt like we needed to release it so I don't think we would have released this if like in the past before we start working the way we do now, because yeah we we kind of just need to move forward and reach one point at one point and we keep moving the goal post sort of when we keep packaging them the way we do so we're just gonna we're just gonna go for it and release updates at the state if it is and like the next couple of weeks we'll probably be patching a lot and adding new things while we're working on them, like and goes fast like last week the build was in a very different state yeah, we actually we were originally supposed to publish the bill last week but we decided to add one more week because there were a few things missing in the in the ma'am, we felt like it would be awkward to release updates and you couldn't unlock any weapons and stuff like that so we decided to up it in and now there's only two minutes left for before the good times rule, and if