February 14th, 2025 Video
Customizer performance improvements
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<ref name="yt-Z3UtGdftZbc,250.03333333333333,289.01666666666665">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z3UtGdftZbc?autoplay=1&start=250&end=290 YouTube - February 14th, 2025 Video - Customizer performance improvements]</ref>
able to play we also have a lot of customization updates bug fixes and vast performance improvements heading your way these changes are pretty extensive and should cover a lot of scenarios where the customizer would cause heavy performance hitches most notably when hovering a customizer hologram over buildables in big factories or changing the Swatch colors in the customizer menu often seen with conveyor bolts and pipes we're also addressing lightweight buildables not reacting to any changes to the customizer Swatch until saving and reloading and this includes foundations and walls so now these changes should work on the Fly again without having to save and reload we're also bringing in a bunch of fixes for