February 14th, 2025 Video
Port binding fixes for Dedicated Servers
Suggested Wiki Reference Code
<ref name="yt-Z3UtGdftZbc,201.18333333333334,250.01666666666668">[https://youtube.com/embed/Z3UtGdftZbc?autoplay=1&start=201&end=251 YouTube - February 14th, 2025 Video - Port binding fixes for Dedicated Servers]</ref>
among other things something seemingly simple but still very quality of life will be Port binding fixes for dedicated servers right now if you are hosting a dedicated server and playing the actual game on the same machine and you disconnect from the game on this machine you may find or you will find that all clients on your server will also disconnect from the game regardless of their Network status this port binding fix despite everything is a pretty simple fix but since it does alter the way we handle Port binding we still want to send this to experimental before we send it to 1.0 and again this fix intends to make it so that even if you do disconnect from the game on the machine where you're also hosting the server other clients should still be able to play we also have a lot of