July 16th, 2021 Video Q&A: Why haven't you added [Feature] into the base game?

July 16th, 2021 Video

Q&A: Why haven't you added [Feature] into the base game?


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happen why haven't you put x feature into the base game it can't be that hard there's already a mod for it so there's a mod for that is a very popular phrase within the satisfactory community, but again this is another thing that it's only natural that there are features that have been made into mods that haven't been made into the base game yet and there are a few reasons for it it could be that we don't want to make it maybe we've tried it we don't want it maybe we like the idea but it's it it sort of breaks balance in the game or something and so it's probably not a good idea for the base game but it's you know it's great as a mod, it could also be that, that we actually plan to that it's in the plans that we want to do it later we just the modders beat us to it that's all but the other thing that you need to remember here is that there are different levels of responsibility between what features we add to the game and what features modders add because there are different contexts here and two contexts are one mods are free and they're opt in this is super important they're opt in you choose how you want to modify your gameplay experience base game features are features that are not opt-in they're there for everybody and they're they're designed to appeal to everybody from minute zero of playing the game into hundreds of hours of playing the game for for people with different kinds of play styles right people pay us they've paid for the game they expected a specific level of, quality, stability all that kind of stuff so we have a higher level of responsibility for features we add we can't just add random features really nearly we rarely add one feature at a time that's something you'll notice we add a host of features right because a lot of features need to interact with other features or need other features to be justified in their own existence like all of these things are carefully calculated and designed and thought through every time we add anything to the game not to mention that we have to make sure that they've got they attain a certain level of visual quality user experience quality ui needs to be up to scratch it needs to be stable it needs to perform well, it cannot break the balance of the game if you break the balance of the game a lot of features start to crumble on top of each other and stop making sense so like these are a lot of things that we need to take into account whenever we add literally anything to the game but modders don't have to do that they don't have that responsibility they can make whatever they want and if people like that thing they can just add it if they don't like it anymore they can remove it so with that difference in mind that is why there will always be features that aren't yet in the game or may never come to the game now I hope it doesn't sound like I'm like on mods and saying that mods are like broken that they're all inefficient and that they lack quality that's not the case at all some mods are absolutely outstanding in their quality but I just want to just highlight that there is a difference in responsibility here between a developer's base game feature and a moderate feature it's the wild wild west when it comes to mods and, but it's we don't have that luxury and I think it's a good thing I think it's it's nice that we have that both exist, you know people can be safe knowing that we will always ensure that there's a good base game experience for anyone who plays the game, and then it's nice to know that they can also then modify their gameplay experience if they wish to do so themselves I'm using mods but my game is crashing can