September 5th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Turn on Pirate Language?

September 5th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Turn on Pirate Language?

00:00 Intro
03:05 Discovering some of the localised names
05:40 Q&A: Will ADA speak in Pirate?
05:48 Highlighting other localisations
09:07 Snutt's British visit
12:04 nope. nope. nope. nope.
13:20 Pondering what localisation Community members use
13:51 Aluminum vs. Aluminium
15:08 Steam Release Trailer script
16:10 Diving into more element names
18:10 GIF vs GIF

This question has 3 related videos
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turn on pirate language I was so scared of switching back though when I do it because I don't know if I can find it, it's under it's under user interface where is that setting I need to customize this by the way it's mantle I want no I want the build gun to be like pink very nice heck yeah, let's see here it's under where is it under there it is language pirate resume venture perfect okay where's me wood did I not pick up any wood wait really could have sworn I did I accidentally no weird- I really think I guess I didn't weird I feel like I okay whatever I have this memory of Life picking up wood but whatever, let's see what are we doing we're unlocking [ __ ] so that was steel we have this one ready right yeah primed, what do we need for this one we need steel for this one so we can't do this one yeah more rotors got my rotor running for rotors ah you wouldn't Belong To Me Maybe for sure for sure for sure that's it, quick wire right quack wire Swift wire oh no we need to make, we need to make an oven very nice fool's gold ingot very nice oh it makes the recipe so much harder to read though but it's so funny no power wait what Paulie yeah all right what do we want to buy we want the the outlet would be nice and decks, octo building beams oh [ __ ] that's that's it modern galleries oh these are so much more expensive than I thought like I kind of like I don't want to actually commit to making a proper factor until I have most of these things you know what I mean I want to unlock beams first


can't go without a gangway I don't know right up a gangway Style, will Ada speak in pirate, no no she won't these language packs are made by Community by the way they're not actually made by us there's a lot of good stuff in in a rank in rank four this is this is, competitive satisfactory it's like what rank are you in oh I'm ranking four why is everything a goofy we're using the the Pirates, language in the game you can switch it there's also what's the other one, just also like like Shakespeare I think it is wait what I'm not saying am I high am I making this [ __ ] up let's switch I'm kind of curious what Swedish looks like foreign what a beautiful language what your mom wow is that is that how you say that I guess it is like I don't- I can't argue with this snap through it I mean I guess we're like direct translation Canadian English is a separate way is there actually because like I don't think we I think we approved like all of these like I don't think there's anything yeah English Canada what the hell what's the difference back instead what's the difference oh wait I'm so confused okay let me know when you guys see something different because I'm hella confused as to what the difference is between Canadian English and American English I know yeah Jay's want to do Australian some more sorry on everything- I'm like legit so curious now what the difference is between Canada English and and, the defaulting one can you guys prefer to use double consonants while Americans keep it almost as single traveling to travel oh interesting what the [ __ ] is torch this is the torch, one of my favorite things when I was because I my English is very American right I that's that's, my vernacular is American right so when I was in when I was in Britain last time Britain Britain in it, there was a couple times where I was like confused to ask some of the wording where I wasn't sure what they were saying but my favorite my favorite, occurrence was when I was in a store I think it was a supermarket or something and I was going to I was picking things out, and it was one of those stores where like you know sometimes some stores have like two reception areas or like two like like you I wasn't sure where I was gonna pay it was the whole thing and I was being like I was being instructed by someone at the store as to like what to get and she told me as we were wrapping up she told me she told me like you can pay in the till and I was like until what she's like what


oh it took me like four hours to process what the hell just happened it's just oh it's so funny this came by this flashlight yeah it's b b for, flashlight yeah exactly it's it's B for bright the [ __ ] is the till right that's that's what I was like wait what the [ __ ] hey the cashier like the cash register that's the till and, what's the issue right like that's that was that was like the whole [ __ ] that's so funny beautiful blind I thought she said until if that wasn't clear I was like you can pay until I'm like until what bulb this sounds pretty good Bleeding Out mister you're one sandwich sort of a picnic aren't you bollocks oh that's so funny like that's too many but, it's fine actually quite good hello to-do list hello oh I don't really hope it's gonna do this okay yeah I support a little minor that's the only thing


oh you just grab one here I have like a thousand of them that [ __ ] let's go I think it's funnier when people try to write it out, oh do you think, do you think kids you place the game on Canadian English or do you think he uses the default English do you think he understands most of the words in it well I was a DHL argument aluminum so it's kind of weird because in English in Sweden we say a lumen, aluminum right we still have aluminum as the default in the game I think we just settled that we should just do English and I don't think we agree with it but we said it's that


ethereum or that one's normal where's the other one again there it is Yo by the way dude I swear I picked up wood before and I didn't get the wood I like just making [ __ ] up or, where do I fit this history of, aluminum naming it makes sense it was named in the US though wasn't it like it was discovered by NASA wasn't it or am I thinking of something else we have aluminum oil and even aluminum yeah aluminum oil and even aluminum and if you come over here you're like oh hey little guy oh he's adorable so automate your factories expand no expand your factors automate way I almost remembered the entire Scripts hey there how's it going so this is satisfactory it's an open world Factory building game you can play it alone with your friends it doesn't really matter, half remember camber sharp and easy dialect to understand is it or is it is it ironic English traditional English simplified natrium with a chemical symbol, ogna called sodium aluminum without the extra eye why did it become so like widespread that it was called aluminum everywhere else because like I said I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure all right this is this is going at the top of my Naga though but I'm pretty sure aluminum was discovered in the US or like was it not it's like why are they wrong you know what I mean isn't that strange if that's true what I just if my previous statement is true periodic table says aluminum but that depends where you are though right, while Hans Christian worstedt is acknowledged as the first I say to isolate aluminum in 1825 and Copenhagen Denmark oh Denmark German is General regarded as the first secure and Pure septical Element by chemical reduction okay I'm thinking of something completely different what the hell am I thinking of am I thinking of just like aluminum foil because I know that was NASA maybe that's what I'm thinking close enough oh let's do actually no no let's do that oh I don't have phone I don't have oh I can't do it anyways all right no forget it forget us anything this might be hot, the person


oh I first needed aluminum then a bit later he decided to name it aluminum then he later changed it back to aluminum is this a is this a gif situation where it's like everybody calls it this yeah but, the the guy who came up with it said it was called this why did he change his mind it's only a nature of sodium they're different I love that this is what we're talking about right now who cares about the game this is the real issue right here I know I'm insulated this discussion by the way so don't I mean I've made my bed okay we can all agree that it's confusing okay but it's get okay but it's Jiff not Jiff whatever it's clearly gift though by the way holy [ __ ] there's no discussion here I've made my bed GIF stands for graphics and interchange formats so it's a hard G and not J isn't there but but then the the doubters come in and say yeah but, what about, I'm drawing a blank right now there's there's another word that has a soft J soft G and it stands for something or maybe oh I'm complaining right now it's been a while since I had the discussion with someone, Gibbs you know you know in in like Doom this is better it was cool I don't know if people even use this word anymore we know the word gibbed gibbing it's actually jibbing because it stands for giblet but we when we, Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ I forgot my point I lost my train of thought completely we're automating quick wire whatever it's not important yeah, let's, actually