February 2nd, 2024 Video Q&A: What does the Roadmap look like?

February 2nd, 2024 Video

Q&A: What does the Roadmap look like?


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what does the actual road map look like so until now satisfactor has been in Alpha meaning the game hasn't been feature complete so the last few months are Focus has been working towards satisfactory becoming feature complete, and that's something that we're still working towards, and once the game is feature complete then we enter the beta stage in production when a game is in beta it essentially means that the game contains all the features and content needed for it to be you know considered finished and all that's left before it enters gold another word for it being ready from 1.0 release is to fix any major issues that are lingering and polish it as much as possible so we won't run an experimental Branch for the 1.0 content before it release but what we will do is hold a close beta for people to try the game, and just give us that like last bit of feedback before we spend the remaining time polishing the game for its final release anyone is welcome to sign up for the closed beta but it will be a limited number of people that will gain access to It signups are available on our web page, right now actually and you can find a link to the signup form in the description so what does 1.0 mean like