January 19th, 2021 Livestream Snutt & Mark Talk: Tier 7 Rebalancing

January 19th, 2021 Livestream

Snutt & Mark Talk: Tier 7 Rebalancing


Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-YIGc6e8zwYs">[https://youtu.be/YIGc6e8zwYs YouTube - January 19th, 2021 Livestream - Snutt & Mark Talk: Tier 7 Rebalancing]</ref>



I'm gonna see if I can find that video where jace talks about tier seven rebalancing in general, for those who don't know, for update four we're gonna do a little bit of rebalancing in tier seven, just because there's this bit too much grind I guess is or how would you put it mark, there's like multiple issues of course we want to rework the, the nuclear stuff and that's not because I think it's too hard but we wanted to do more with it we want to like, I think, tim already spoiled this we want to do stuff with the nuclear waste right yeah and that and that makes it so that this becomes suddenly a way bigger thing and we need to kind of make sure that those things are are properly balanced to each other so we need to rebalance that and also then the blender comes in and we want to use that building to make the production lines a bit nicer generally so that means yeah we just need to rework that part and then for the bauxite refinement, we noticed a lot of people, felt that they hit a wall when they got there and that might have been partially because, there's not a lot to unlock after that so it feels kind of like you're doing all this work for for no reason but additionally it is a lot of work to get that and get production going for aluminium ingots and a lot of refineries again, so we're trying to mitigate that by just making the numbers nicer we're kind of keeping the same structure so you will still need to have like this flow of going from illumina to scrap to ingot but we're making the numbers a lot easier to deal with and we're reducing the amount of refineries quite drastically all right that sounds good, so I'm just going to post in chat the link to the tier viii video that we put out with where jace and by extension mark actually goes a little bit more in depth as to like what this means for you guys because, it will affect your save files if you already have you know tier seven going and all that production going, and, mark give gives his top 10 suggestions I don't know if you remember this park your top 10 tips on what you can do right now, to prepare for up before essentially and do you want to do you remember the tips you were actually, boy do I oh yeah I think it was stockpiling stuff don't invest in the new stuff I think that was it actually yeah that was it


was the top 10 tips right for mark you heard it right from the source, so essentially just to clarify a little bit as well, we usually when we talk about you know updating the game we usually refer to the the term like we break your saves and when we say we break your states we don't actually mean that your safes won't load as in like they'll become useless it just means that you know the production buildings will still load and everything but like you know if we change how a recipe works that that means that that machine machine how do I why am I person like that, pronouncing like that, machines that have a certain recipe if we change like the the balancing of that it will still load up the machine and we'll be like oh but this recipe now takes this and if you're feeding it something else it won't work so that's essentially what's going to happen with your tier 7 stuff so if you haven't reached tier 7 yet in in your current save file then you're going to be unaffected essentially when we release update 4. if you have reached tier 7 and you've started working on like nuclear stuff, you can still stockpile on parts and use those to re to remake your factory or rebalance refactor your factory, or potentially like you can maybe rework like a little bit tweak it a bit to make it work but it sounds like as far as I know at least I'm not 100 sure what the new new but it sounds like it's going to be a lot of new, production lines so to speak as to how nuclear will work so, you might wanna just mass dismantle that, and rebuild it cool