August 27th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Why are there Biomass Burners in the teaser video?

August 27th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Why are there Biomass Burners in the teaser video?

This question has a related video
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-Y9QPDqTeMEw">[ YouTube - August 27th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Why are there Biomass Burners in the teaser video?]</ref>



here this is a Harding question why are the B why are the B I'm so excited I got this question why are there biomass burners in the teaser video I know right why are they there isn't that crazy what could what could what could there possibly what could possibly be the reason why the biomass burners are there you know everybody keeps talking about these [ __ ] like new oh look at those new parts oh I wonder how they work why are there why is there a purple thing going into the weird building who cares why are there biomass burners in the teaser video it's so strange 203 2 minutes 3 minute seconds in boring yeah what is the why but why are they there though it's not the fact that like oh we knew about biomass burners but it's not like but why are they there though why are they in the tier 9 Factory isn't that strange isn't that crazy