October 18th, 2022 Livestream
Q&A: Is Underwater building planned?
This question has 3 related videos
- February 4th, 2025 Livestream Q&A: Will we ever be allowed to explore Underwater? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkKzg5UYTdw
- February 7th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Were you surprised at how interested the Community was at the ChatGPT Underwater suggestion? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c-C0ZJtt2M
- July 12th, 2022 Livestream Q&A: Is that Underwater builder? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU_zSn-pgzM
Suggested Wiki Reference Code
<ref name="yt-Y-A84iQXzxU">[https://youtu.be/Y-A84iQXzxU YouTube - October 18th, 2022 Livestream - Q&A: Is Underwater building planned?]</ref>
subsea building is not planned or like under like anything water related is not planned I know some people also asked if we're gonna have it so you can swim down that's not something we intend to do but we are aware of the issue where if you die, like the storage container goes to the bottom what we'll probably do is have it so that the personal storage boxes float when you die so you can at least access them after the facts but at the moment there are no plans to extend any of the water systems or anything related to water and a wall no aquatic essentially