July 2nd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Any news on Multiplayer optimisation?

July 2nd, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Any news on Multiplayer optimisation?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: September 3rd, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What will be the day 1 experience for Dedicated Servers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofpwx_FvDoY

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-XwHneOVwroM">[https://youtu.be/XwHneOVwroM YouTube - July 2nd, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Any news on Multiplayer optimisation?]</ref>



would love to get more multiplayer optimization, any news on that yeah so I don't have like I can't tell you like what specific bugs we fixed but there's been a lot of work specifically for multiplayer, for the LA last couple of months our focus when we've been play testing and when we've been, bug fixing has been the multi experience, we did a we did a huge, we did a big exercise together, with all the leads working on the game where we tried to like pinpoint like what are the most important aspects of the game and like what is the state of these different things right and the multiplayer experience is obviously one of those things and we try to break it down like okay what is a good enough state for it to be considered 1.0 what is a good enough state for us to be able to confident release it so, when we did that meeting after after that multiplayer has been like one of the biggest, most important aspects of our book fixing and our testing and we're pretty happy with the state it is right now it is is very different I would say in certain ways compared to update 8, but I haven't played update in a while so I actually don't know but- I'd say it has improved, quite a bit so there we're sure will be improvements now that's not to say that we'll fix everything, but- I feel very confident in the state of it it is right now especially on dedicated servers dedicated servers has seen a significant Improvement, across the board I would say, but we all always knew that we were going to do that because we haven't had fully we hadn't fully had time to like focus on dedicated service in the past we've always sort of scraped by and fixed it up as we go but now we've actually have had dedicated time to like look at the problems that exist on like specifically dedicated servers but also in the game in general multiplayer and be able to like you know fix up as much as we can in general my station as well